Our Girls

  • Heather

    Briar Rose Heather is one of our foundation does and she really promotes the dairy aspect of this breed with her fine features and lovely udder, when in milk. She has a unique, long coat and has passed some of this to her progeny. A quiet, yet affectionate doe.

  • Hibiscus

    Briar Rose Hibiscus is our other foundation doe and ‘half-sister’ to Heather. Like Heather, Hibiscus has the elegant, refined characteristics of dairy animal and has shown this through her excellent udder and milking capabilities. She is ‘Queen Bee’ of our herd but despite her bossy nature, is the first to line up for pats and cuddles.

  • Diamondtina

    Mallee Rise Diamondtina was acquired for her strength and depth in body - a doe with beatiful form. A little different from the finer dairy structure, Diamondtina complements our herd by ensuring progeny retain high quality body conformation.

  • Cherish

    Kazoo Cherish comes from a line of outstanding genetics with Kazoo stud being one of the foundation miniature goats studs in Australia. Cherish presents with excellent conformation and we are excited to see future kids from her. Cherish loves nothing more than a good scratch and a hay bag of lucerne!

  • Bri Ella

    Mallee Rise Bri Ella is another recent addition to our herd and is a great balance between the sturdier, older genetics of the Australian miniature breed and the finer dairy qualities that we also appreciate. Because of this body structure, she is mated to our Nigerian Dwarf buck as well as our Australian miniature bucks. Bri Ella is timid in nature but appreciates one on one time.