Operating since 2020, we are a small property focusing on quality animals and sustainable gardens.

About Us.


When we purchased our propety in the Adelaide Hills eight years ago, Susan always had a dream to have her own small goat dairy herd. That dream took a while to eventuate, but much useful information was gathered in the meantime and connections with other goat breeders made. In 2020, Susan purchased her first does from Briar Rose and thus the journey began!

Today, Susan continues to have a passion for enhancing the miniature breed by breeding with best available genetics and conformation in mind with the goal of producing high quality animals from excellent milking lines. Additionally, Susan was one of the first to import the Nigerian Dwarf goat to SA and is currently conducting a joint breeding program with Briar Rose with a strong focus on producing personable goats with strong milk production qualities.  Susan also has a strong interest in promoting miniature breeds to others and is currently a Committee member with Miniature Goats Australia (MGA). All Green Hills goats are registered with the MGA.

Outside of the goat world, Susan also owns her own business as a behavior therapist providing allied health services to those in our community with complex needs.


David is the lead handyman at Green Hills and projects (such as the shelters!) are often the product of his handiwork.

David’s true passion, however, lies in horticulture and he has designed beautiful gardens across the property - flower beds, vegetable garden and a small orchard. There is always a few garden projects on the go and David will spend many hours outdoors tending to his plants including propagating many seedlings of his own. You can follow updates of our garden at @a_meadows_garden on Instagram.

David uses miniature pigs to till old beds or assist in developing new garden areas. They are adept at clearing including destroying persistent weeds such as kikuyu grass. The pigs are rotated on a regular basis to ensure low compaction for the soil and fresh feed for the pigs.

When David is not in the garden, he is either working at his day job as an IT engineer (fully remote) or playing with his children.

Piper + Jordan

The smallest charges at Green Hills - they love to help both Daddy and Mummy outdoors! Both are very fond of the goats and Piper plays a large part in the names of any kids born.

Jordan loves to help in the garden, espcially digging, although not always in the right places…

We love having a propety where our children can grow and flourish while learning about the enviornment and sustainable land practices.